Consulting Solutions


The Way Forward

The HealthX Group provides consulting that puts your patient’s perspective at the center of change. This is more than just a philosophy or methodology––it’s how we arrive at a shared understanding of the solutions you need, and the implementation plan to successfully improve your customer and patient experience.



Discovery Programs

The kickoff program for every client engagement is Discovery––an objective audit of your patient engaging processes from the perspective of the patient.

This is the fundamental philosophy of how the HealthX Group was formed. We approach every new relationship with an open mind on however you arrived here, and a fresh perspective on how to get you there –– wherever your road map leads.

The HealthX Group offers three Discovery Program options. Choose the one that best represents what you’re hoping to achieve and let’s start a conversation today!

Disruption & Transformation

Building behaviors and workflows for sustainable change.

Every healthcare organization struggles with operational challenges, and at times capacity constraints and lean staffing can have a negative effect on quality and service.

The winning solution to building sustainable change begins with approaching the problem holistically and objectively, with an unbiased perspective and the industry experience to help identify what might be broken and fine-tune what is not.

Our Disruption & Transformation program is all about breaking a process down into its elemental pieces, and then reassembling in a way everyone can buy in and the business works like it should.

Culture & Orientation

Onboarding and training to build a winning team.

Continuous improvement is the secret to building winning teams, as there is no one way or quick way to develop a culture of respect, service and accountability.

Orientation begins at the recruiting process and continues with a training and onboarding process that fosters teamwork from day one, and a culture that promotes a customer service mantra that is reinforced by transparency and recognition.

Our team of HR professionals have the healthcare experience your organization needs to do all the little things right, every time.

Data & Analytics

Converting statistical data into purposeful information.

Understanding data is critical to your success in today’s hyper-connected world, and insight-driven healthcare organizations can deliver quality outcomes and drive measurable results.

How are patients finding you? What are they doing once they’ve found you?

Developing your road map will define where you want to go and how to get there. We can help you convert data to insights and insights to outcomes.

AI Insights

Integrating predictive modeling and value-based care.

There are many different options for predictive modeling for chronic conditions, and for patients to perform self-discovery. We can help you determine best option for integration based on your EMR and digital ecosystem.

CRM Utilization

Segmentation based on care to deliver relevant content.

One of the most underutilized assets in the digital marketing toolbox is their CRM. Given how much has been invested to stand up automated and segmented messaging, we can help you take this influence to the next level.

The HealthX Group is committed to helping you improve every touch point that influences the patient journey. Let us show you what “doing it the right way” looks like in principle and in practice –– and how it delivers measurable results!